Affordable Swimming Pool Rendering in Sydney

If you value the longevity and quality of your swimming pool, it’s necessary to have it rendered by a professional rendering company.

Rendering your swimming pool in Sydney will enhance its quality and longevity. Compromising on its quality may cause problems that may demand frequent repairs such as chipping and leaking.

At GTL Rendering Sydney, we offer reputable pool rendering services at an affordable rate. We’ll ensure that your pool surface is resilient and durable.

Is It Necessary To Render Your Swimming Pool?

Swimming pools hold a massive amount of water. Their base is impermeable to ensure that the water they hold doesn’t seep into the ground beneath.

Many people think that the base is entirely made of tiles. Although tiles offer a great surface to hold water and minimize water seepage, they require extra support for more effective impermeability.

A perfectly impermeable base is only offered by the render material on which the tiles sit. Rendering a swimming pool is important for several reasons including:

Creates an impermeable barrier

Rendering forms an impermeable layer that prevents the pool water from seeping through the pool into the underlying pool material. Any moisture seeping through the tiling grit doesn’t pass beyond the render.

Even and flat surface

Proper tile installation in a swimming pool requires the surface to be even and flat.

The substrate underneath doesn’t offer a perfect surface for installing tiles.

The best solution is to apply a render material over the substrate to create an even surface.

That way, tiles will sit flush on the floor. In case they don’t sit flush, they may crack or break over time.

Textured surface

Rendering textures the pool surface to allow tiles to stick in place.

Some concrete pool bases are extremely smooth such that tiles won’t adhere properly.

Rendering gives the pool surface enough grip for tiles to stick in place.

Stand-alone rendering

Although most pool owners install tiles on the pool surface, you can opt for stand-alone rendering without installing tiles.

In this case, the rendering material used is specially formulated to make it slip-resistant, non-abrasive, water-resistant, and moisture-resistant.

Stand-alone rendering creates a smooth, even surface. It also makes the surface look attractive.

swimming pool rendering services in sydney

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    Types of Rendering for Swimming Pools


    Although acrylic rendering uses the name acrylic, it’s not purely made of acrylic.

    In this render, acrylic is mixed with waterproofing solutions, sand, and cement.

    The acrylic component gives the mix effective moisture resistance properties.

    Also, the acrylic component enhances the flexibility of the render.

    Acrylic render is less prone to chipping and cracking than cement render.



    Cement is a traditional render material.

    It’s reliable and comprises a mixture of sand, cement, and some water and moisture-resistant solutions.

    The render mix requires time to dry and set.

    If installed properly, it creates a good base for installing pool tiles.

    damaged swimming pool render repairs

    Our Swimming Pool Rendering Services

    At GTL Rendering Sydney, we offer all types of pool rendering services including installation, repair, and resurfacing among others.

    Our rendering experts will assess the condition of your pool and give you a quote detailing all the costs. We’ll also assist you in determining the amount of material required and do the rendering project according to your specifications.

    We specialise in rendering during pool installation. Although most pool installers do the rendering themselves, our experts can handle this process exceptionally.

    In case your pool surface gets worn out or the tiles are chipped or broken, we can resurface them with a new render material. Our rendering experts will start with removing the old, worn surface, prepare the underlying surface and apply a new render material.

    Our experts will use the best render mix. They’ll also ensure that the pool surface is flat and even before installing tiles. We also do pool repairs on damaged sections of a pool surface.

    In this case, we’ll remove the damaged section carefully, ensure the damage isn’t deep, and apply a rendering material to repair the surface.

    Why Choose Our Pool Rendering Services?

    We’re the leading rendering experts for all swimming pool rendering projects in Sydney. We’re your most reliable rendering company.


    GTL Rendering Sydney boasts of many years of professional experience in the rendering industry. Our experts understand the process involved.

    Customer service

    We boast of having responsive customer service professionals. You only need to call us for any assistance you need regarding pool rendering.

    Fully insured and licensed

    We’re an insured and licensed company. Thus, you can rest assured you’re working with a reputable and reliable rendering company.


    Our rates are affordable. We offer a straightforward pricing model. Also, there’re no hidden costs. You’ll only pay the initially agreed price.

    Just call us at 0437 309 578 for all your swimming pool rendering needs. Our team will attend to your questions and discuss your needs for the best solutions.